


You envision a future innovating 和 leading in the business world. 带你去你想去的地方, esball国际平台客户端’s 3+1 Business Administration BS/MBA Accelerated Program will fast track your business career 和 empower you to complete both your 工商管理学士学位我们的前100名住宿MBA项目的硕士 在短短四年里. Embark on an impactful career from the moment you set foot on campus 和 get accepted into two programs at once.

esball国际平台客户端的3+1 BS/MBA加速课程期待什么 

在申请esball国际平台客户端本科录取时, you will also apply to our residential MBA program with an additional application. 

Upon fulfilling all admission requirements 和 academic criteria in your undergraduate program, you'll enter our Master's of Business Administration program with no further application required.

Build your path towards your goals with support from the dedicated 3+1 program faculty advisor. You will select coursework aligned with your interest 和 goals, including graduate coursework that you'll start in your third year. 项目完成后, 你的技能会得到提升, 具备敏锐的商业头脑, 以及你对esball国际平台客户端期望的结果.

U.S. esball国际app & 世界报道 recognizes our graduate MBA program as among the best in the nation. University placement rates attest to this distinction 和 the quality 和 rigor of a Clarkson education: 98 percent of graduates pursue employment in their respective fields. Commit to this career path 和 become a part of our prestigious legacy.


在大卫·D. Reh商学院, we pride ourselves on the personalized attention that each student gets. 我们最大的特色之一是学术咨询. Every undergrad is assigned an academic advisor at the beginning of their studies. You are required to meet with your advisor at least once per semester 和 are encouraged to meet with them on a regular basis.

The academic advisor does more than ensure their students meet the requirements to graduate. They help them transition into college life 和 integrate into the community. They can answer questions about the curriculum 和 evaluate each student's progress. 学术顾问也帮助学生寻找机会, 比如出国留学项目, 和 connect them with resources like the Student Success Center.

Students in the 3+1 Accelerated Program will receive all the support they need to stay on track 和 complete their studies on time. 


There are eligibility requirements for all students looking to participate in the 3+1 BS/MBA Accelerated Program, 包括:

  • 必须是esball国际平台客户端的一年级新生
  • must apply to esball国际平台客户端 using the Common App or Clarkson App
  • 高中平均成绩必须达到90分或以上
  • must 完成一个n additional 3+1 BS/MBA Accelerated Program questionnaire after applying to Clarkson, 并可能接受虚拟或面对面的面试

To maintain eligibility for the residential MBA graduate program, students must:

  • 完成一个 工商管理学士 esball国际平台客户端
  • 保持3分.3 or higher GPA during their undergraduate studies at esball国际平台客户端
  • confirm interest in pursuing the MBA program formally through a short process

The 3+1 program at esball国际平台客户端 has prepared me for my future as a professional in my field faster than I would have ever imagined. I’ve been able to learn 和 apply a wide range of skills in projects that have raised my confidence in my ability to perform difficult tasks. Even though I was busy with the coursework 和 the responsibilities the program has, 我仍然能够接受校园里的学生生活. From learning finance 和 optimization to watching Golden Knights Hockey, my time at Clarkson has been invaluable to my growth as a community member 和 leader.​

布兰登冬天 3+1商业学士/MBA '23


  • EC 150微观经济学原理(3学分)
  • sb113企业家和商业创新I(3学分)
  • 理科课程(其中一门必须有实验)(3学分)
  • UNIV190esball国际平台客户端研讨会(3学分)
  • MA 180大学数学入门(4学分)
  • 第一年研讨会(1学分)


  • EC 151宏观经济学原理(3学分)
  • IS 110 Intro to Business Intelligence 和 Data Analytics (3 credits)
  • 非商业选修课-知识领域(3学分)
  • 理科课程(其中一门必须有实验)(3学分)
  • MA 181 Basic Calculus (prerequisite: MA 180 or MA 120) (3 credits)
  • 自由选修课(3学分)


  • OS 286组织行为学(3学分)
  • AC 202财务会计(3学分)
  • 法律与社会(3学分)
  • 非商业选修(3学分)
  • STAT 282统计学(3学分)
  • AC 203管理会计(3学分)


  • 财务管理(3学分)
  • MK 320市场营销原理(3学分)
  • 运营与供应链管理(3学分)
  • 计量经济学入门(3学分)
  • 非商业选修课-知识领域(3学分)
  • 自由选修课(商业或非商业)(3学分)


  • 非商业选修(3学分)
  • 非商业选修(3学分)


  • 战略人力资源管理(3学分)
  • 自由选修课(3学分)
  • 专业选修课(3学分)
  • 专业选修课(3学分)
  • 专业选修课(3学分)
  • 自由选修课(夏季选修)(0-3学分)


  • OS 432组织政策与战略(3学分)
  • 自由选修课(3学分)
  • 专业选修课(3学分)
  • MBA选修(专业选修)(3学分)
  • UNIV 399全球商务旅行(3学分)
  • MBA选修(专业选修)(3学分)


  • 非商业自由选修课(3学分)
  • 自由选修课(0-3学分)


  • 决策分析(2学分)
  • SB 609企业道德(2学分)


  • IS 605商业信息系统(0-2学分)
  • FN 607财务管理(0-2学分)
  • MK 609市场营销管理(0-2学分)
  • 管理经济学(0-2学分)
  • OS 608组织行为学(0-2学分)
  • AC 603管理会计(0-2学分)
  • 供应链管理(0-2学分)


  • OS 610*战略规划(2学分)
  • MBA选修课(3学分)
  • MBA选修课(3学分)
  • MBA选修课(3学分)
  • 经验要求(SB 693或SB 696)(3学分)


*Two MBA electives double count as MBA 和 as Professional Elective

Waivers will be based upon the course work below (和 in consultation with Reh School course listings)

  • FN 607 = FN 361 + one additional 300 or 400 level course from list or with Dean's approval (new course introduced or if independent study or professional project)
  • MK 609 = MK 320 + one additional 300 or 400 level course from list or with Dean's approval (new course introduced or if independent study or professional project)
  • OS 608 = OS 286 + one additional 300 or 400 level course from list or with Dean's approval (new course introduced or if independent study or professional project)
  • EC 604 = (EC 150 + EC 151) OR EC 350 + one additional 300 or 400 level course from list or with Dean's approval (new course introduced or if independent study or professional project)
  • AC 603 = (AC 202 + AC 203) OR AC 205 + one additional 300 or 400 level course from list or with Dean's approval (new course introduced or if independent study or professional project)
  • OM 606 = OM 331 + one additional 300 or 400 level course from list or with Dean's approval (new course introduced or if independent study or professional project)
  • IS 605 = IS 110 + one additional 300 or 400 level course from list or with Dean's approval (new course introduced or if independent study or professional project)



电子邮件: rehbusiness@point-st.com 
电话: 315-268-2300


Josh LaFave